Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ham Strung

Get ready for some kb swings, wb, box jumps and burpees. Flexible hamstrings help them all.

If only Kevin Hare had seen this a week ago:

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bottom bits

This one is not directly related to our CFOT wod of strict pullups, hspu and double unders - but it is a good one to watch and think about. Especially if you sit at a desk all day. If you are not careful, you can start to take the shape of your chair, and that is not a good shape at all.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Even a turkey knows it need to stretch

Don't mind me. I am on vacation far away at a resort in Puerto Rico. It is far too nice for me to be looking at a computer and posting about mobility.

So this is a great time for everyone to look back at the posts over the past few weeks and work on what you need.

If you use the search box in the top left, and enter "hamstrings" it will return relevant posts that I have made.

So enjoy.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Squatting - Don't look down!

get out of the rack in an organized position. Don't look down at your feet - they are still there, I promise.

Some good talk, and then some banded hip flexor work at 3:30.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thoracic mobility for better overhead position

Your thoracic spine area can get tight. Why? Maybe sitting in front of a computer screen, or hovering over your iPhone with your shoulders hunched forward for a greater percentage of the day than you do any thing else.

So open things up - and be amazed at the better overhead range of motion that you can get. Do a pre-test - do your mobility - and then retest. Seeing the improvements is encouraging.

p.s. Happy Holiday. I am away for a few days. Who knows, my next update may be accompanied by a frozen umbrella drink.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Run, row, burpee = holy calves, Batman!

You need to stretch those bad boys out. See here when K Starr was in DC.

Stretch them at the bar tonight. Stretch them before bed. Stretch them and get ready to run, row and jump. 3,2,1, Go!

Pull up mechanics

Get ready for some pullups at CFOT.

Watch the first 2 stretches
1- to open up the lats.
2- to get external rotation.
3 skip this for now

Pay strict attention to item #2. Most people do this stretch, and do it incorrectly. Note that he turns his hand over first, and then creates tension with the band, not the opposite.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hamstring and posterior from a new angle

3,2,1 Go - Get ready for some deadlift, clean and jerk complexes at CFOT.

K Star gets very technical - using contract relax, multi joint muscles, etc. But he also shows a few new ways to attack the hamstring, lower back and the whole posterior chain.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


K_Starr episode 259 is a classic. A painful classic. But with the quad dominant work in the "Don't drop the baby" wod - this is a good one. Cause when I think of wall ball and then rowing, my quads shudder.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hip opener and overhead positioning

A good combination for the double unders and overhead plate lunge. Originally recorded before the double under / snatch CF Open workout 11.1 - it applies here as well.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Hamstring heaven

Not kidding around. He actually shows 2 good and several terrible ways to stretch the hamstring.

Pardon his appearance. He must have just done a wod with Harold.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

How to fix Hopper shoulder

Hopper competitors - I heart you all. So proud of your abilities and toughness. I am so bummed that I could only see a few hours - but what I witnessed was pure awesome. So now your shoulders hurt - a lot. Try some of this - and be proud.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Hopper Prep / Spealler Warm Up

Good luck to everyone this weekend.

What a great time for the official "Spealler Mobility Warmup" to get you nice and warm, limber and ready to go. Plus you cannot help but laugh while doing or seeing anyone do it.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Interval Shoulder prep

CFOT WOD - Fight Gone ... Bad?

Note the picture shows me head to head (literally with Pete B) and notice my back is arched because my shoulder mobility is limited especially getting my arms behind my back. Don't be me.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fix You

From the oldest MWOD to the newest. Today, Kelly posted an interesting take on creating a personal MWOD. So from big picture, you have the main MWOD that addresses areas that everyone should work on, but that may or may not prep you for your WOD or address personal limitations. You have me and the Mobility Lounge trying to match a good MWOD to prep for the CFOT WOD, and now you have an idea to create a personal routine that addresses your specific body restrictions. i.e, if you cannot get into a good squat position, then mobilizing your shoulders may be a secondary area to address.

In other words:
-Global Mobility
-WOD Specific Mobility
-Your body's needs

So what to do? Of course, a little of everything because Crossfitters have to be very good at everything. Know your issues and learn how to fix what you can. That is the whole idea.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Hip Flexor

From the vault. Why is it called the couch stretch? Watch til the end and you will see. This was the 2nd ever MWOD. KStarr shows several variations of the classic stretch for the hip flexor. If yours are tight, only work on the first variation. If in a hurry, skip to 2:00 in, unless you enjoy him messing around on a scooter.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Monday 11/7 - get ready for ohs

A simple, yet effective internal shoulder rotation stretch that you can do at work or anywhere. Couple this with the Active Shoulder Stretch to stretch your lats and allow yourself to get into a good OHS position.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Typing for time

Check this. Something to think about.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

First Friday

Stretch on your own. Pick your trouble spots and choose a post that I have made over the past 2 weeks.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Gentle hamstring stretching

CFOT WOD - "Get your gun" - Double unders, push press and T2B

Mobility work:
Don't laugh. OK, go ahead and laugh. But she demonstrates 2 solid hamstring stretches, and I am pretty sure you have tight hamstrings. The first one, you can do at work - while staring at your PC or while on a conference call. And if it is too easy, then increase the range of motion. If you still want some more, get your lax ball out and find your worst spot and get sufferin'.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dont hate MarkyD - Hate the Mobility

CFOT WOD - Squat Cleans, burpees and 400m run intervals

Mobility Theme:

Sorry peeps - these are going to hurt. And then you get on the lax ball - and you are simply going to hate me. Block out the hateful, hurtful feelings and just thank me when you crank out those squat cleans unbroken. Cause your hips are going to really open and full range = full power. If you feel burning or numbness, STOP! If you feel like vomiting, then I bet you are doing things just right.

From Kstar: Now, suffer babies. Today’s mission is a big dose of whup-ass on your anterior chain/front wheel drive. Set the clock for two minute rounds. It’s a penalty if you make a pain face, vomit, or go in the pain cave.