Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wed wod. Snatch then thruster and burpee metcom

When I think about this wod, I worry about having internal shoulder rotation to allow me to keep the shoulders back and the bar close to my body. For the metcon, I just hope to hang on.

Skip ahead to minute 1:00. An interesting twist on keeping shoulders back, but more importantly, a good couple of drills to work on that. Namely the doorway stretch and the triangle arm pull. 8 minutes total.

Monday, January 30, 2012

pullup, run and hspu love

Yes I am going to love this wod. 3 minutes of work and then some rest. I predict interval 3 and 4 will be infinitely harder than the first two. I also predict me getting a lot of hspu.

But first, I am going to spend a minute propping each calf against a wall or post, and then do these items with a lacrosse ball and a band. getting the back, scap and shoulders to open up really helps with the hspu's so that you can go up and down in a straight path. Otherwise you may be arching or may come off the wall, both of which are no good.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bottom squat position

What is the most important position in a squat? How about the bottom position, where you have to get to the most extreme range and powerfully change direction.

Skip to 1:30. First find some wall real estate. Then try my favorite banded squat basket. Get the band to support some of your weight and get into a perfect bottom position. Hang out there and relax as things open up.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Holy squat

First of all, I am wrecked from squats. It has been too long, and I am suffering. I also noticed I could not get into a good position. Not upright enough. knees not out enough, etc. And today, I am sore in some of the wrong places cause I was not squatting well.

So I need an rx of this. One of the more amazing mwod videos I have seen. I dare you to do an asian squat before and after this. See how far your hips open and let that knee track over your mid foot. Hit this stretch with one side (3 positions with the foot pinned down, then 3 positions with the foot turned on the side) and asian squat again. WTF???

Now do the other side. Now you are ready to squat, clean, deadlift, ohs, wallball, burpee, and so on and so on......

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

squat big and get strong

A couple of good ones with the band facing the bar. This will open things up in the hips for squatting and jumping.

Monday, January 23, 2012

TNG - Hang Clean and Jerk

Good wrist and fore arm prep. Which when doing touch and go cleans and then a jerk will come in handy.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

All star snatch

This is going to hurt, x 2.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I love this wod. But I am sore. So here is what I am going to do. Follow suit and you might go sub 7 like me.

Lower back, Hamstrings, foam rolling and other horrible painful things.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Yeah Burpees.

2 benchmark wods down, ??? to go. How do you bounce back and show up every day like Gar?

One important factor is hydration. If you have a few PRs under your belt already, you were sweating. A lot.

Step 2, work the heels, calves, etc to prep for burpees.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Elizabeth - Squat Clean ready

How do you bet prepare for the bottom position of a squat clean. I dunno, maybe get into the bottom of a squat and hang out. So grab some wall, keep the back flat, the knees out and relax. Can you get some additional range after a minute or two - yes you can.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Overhead position

Skip to 1:45. Here, KStarr explains much better than I do, why you externally rotate your wrist before you get into the active shoulder stretch. Cause otherwise it is too late.

For the OHS, you want that externally rotation positon (arm pits facing forward)

Spend time mobilizing in the position that you want to get into during the wod. Use a band, and pvc or whatever you can find.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


As the week wear on - and this week has been really tough at CFOT - you need some recovery. Especially lower leg.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Get that joint in place. A couple of ideas using a band. Luckily there is a bucket full of them at CFOT.

Then hit the lacross ball and get ready for wall ball and deadlift.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Advanced squat position test

Anyone looking to step things up - here are some things to mess around with. Otherwise, holding a good bottom position of a squat and accumulating 10 minutes is great. I did that today before the front squats, and it helped.

For the advanced moves in the video - use some support.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Monday Wod

First - remember to get externally rotated on the row.

Then open up those hips. Your cleans and front squats will thank you. I like the pigeon better than the first one. And of course, the pain ball is king.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Subscapularis stretch

How 'bout pvc pipe instead of a "broomstick." Otherwise, this is a simple and effective way to get at this hard to stretch member of the rotator cuff family. The sub scap's job is to internally rotate the arm forward and down. So to stretch it - do the opposite!

Slowly and carefully. There are no PR's is stretching.

Pop Quiz - Can anyone name the other three muscles.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

lunge and run

Sorry kids. These are going to hurt. But so do weighted lunges and runs. Skip to 1:30 if you are in a rush. 4 kinds of mwod, 4 times the fun.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

front rack from all angles

Work on your wrist, open your lats, t spine and everything in between.

Test / retest - can you do the spiderman goggles?

Monday, January 2, 2012

Wooly, Bully

Boy am I guilty of this. Poor internal rotation range of motion. I have trouble keeping my shoulders back. Maybe I sit at a desk, or over an iPhone with some rounded shoulders all day.

Not awesome.

Skip ahead to about 3 minutes in if you want. Use the cage posts. We will do the banded version soon.