Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Clam

Pilates, you ask? I can't rip off K Starr every day. This series will fire up your posterior chain and strengthen your abductors.

Monday, February 27, 2012

If I have said this once........

When doing the arm overhead stretch, you have to have your palm up (external shoulder rotation) before you stretch, not during. Why?

Cause watch this and mess around to see how these two might help.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Monday Wod

I don't know what the wod is yet, but I know this will help. Especially if you have some soreness in this area from burpees, or the sat wod. I know I do.

So try these:
-arms swings
-cross legged folds
-roller smash (...and keep that palm up you cheaters)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mobility_WOD: Open 12.1 Edition

Two videos for you since you have a few days to get ready for Open Wod 12.1.

First. Shoulders and chest.

And a couple ideas for your jumping ready calves. You can do most of these without a partner using a foam roller, or barbell.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

For Wed snatch/intervals

Its like Kelly Starrett knows a little of how to prep for a CrossFit Wod. Oh right, he opened SF CF in 2005, and actually does.

This one is perfect for our Wed wod, so enjoy stretching your "groinal region"

Monday, February 20, 2012

Shoulder Internal Rotation

Important for that muscle up transition, those burpees, and even toes to bar as you reload for the next rep.

Skip to minute 3. At cfot, set up a barbell on the cage about 3 feet off the ground, turn around and contract relax as you slowly lower yourself. Keep the shoulder back, which is easier said than done. 5 minutes.

Then spend 2 minutes on each calf to recover from the 200m sprints and get ready for some burpees.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Work your ankles (and then hip)

Do a squat and see how well your ankles let your knees flare out.

Now try some of these and then retest. Post results in comments.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Something new. Something (for your) hip

I thought K Star was done with his 365 mwods. Turns out he was just getting started. This littly number is a super three way hip. It could come in handy when you hammer a 7 minute row tomorrow.

p.s. if you subscribe to the CF Jounal, K Star has something new there today as well from a recent Mob Cert. If you ever thought about going to the mobility cert, here is a free 8 minute sample.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Thruster prep

You have to get those knees out so you need your hips and glutes ready. Watch the retest at the end and see how much better his right leg was after just a few minutes. How bout that.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Box jumps....

.... could use some awesome calves. Skip to 2:00 and get after it.
This was his 3rd ever video. Like I said, we are going back to the beginning and some basics.
And yes, I leave for Vegas in the morning - with my entire company. I am bringing an obscene amount of money, and frankly I am a little worried. Cause I am supposed to be in charge.


Listen up mobility lovers. I am travelling west this week, which means that I may be late on some posts. I will do my best, but keep in mind, that I will be in Las Vegas.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The end of all things?

No, its just time to start over.

The other day Kelly Starrett completed his 365th Mobility Wod post. He had initially set out to complete it in a year, but that was an unrealistic and unnecessary goal. While he charges $150 an hour as a doctor of physical therapy, he generously recorded dozens of hours of video and posted it for free.

I am going old school and posting his 2nd ever video, which will get you ready for whatever Monday's WOD is.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Turn your feet out in a squat or not?

Play around with this. Get to the bottom position of an air squat with your feet turned out and feel the bottom position. There is a little movement there and it feels loose and bouncy.

Try again with your feet forward. Go an inch wider if you have to. Now feel the bottom position. Feels like a solid end point, almost like a shelf. There is more tension there, and you can generate more power coming back up.

That tension and power might come in handy if you have a barbell on your back, and you want to stand up. Hmmm?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

200m sprint intervals? Yes - it's calves mobility day

This was MWOD #3. As in 360 posts ago. Skip ahead to 2:00 , cause the beginning is admin.

There are two good angles and ways to get at this. Do it at work, at home, whatev... If you make it to lunch bunch, I can show you my own twist on this with our pullup rack that I think is even better.